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Bonaire has a long history of marine conservation. Starting with the conservation of turtles in 1961, the ban on spearfishing in 1971, and protection for coral, dead or alive, in 1975. The driving forces behind the creation of a Marine Park on Bonaire included Bonaire devotees Captain Don Stewart and the late Carel Steensma and the National Parks Foundation of the Netherlands Antilles. The Bonaire National Marine Park was established in 1979.
The Marine Park encompasses all waters around Bonaire and Klein Bonaire, from the high tide mark to a depth of 60 meters. This is an area of approximately 27 km² (6672 acres) and includes coral reef, sea grass and mangroves. Lac and Klein Bonaire are both a RAMSAR site and therefore internationally recognized as important wetlands areas.
As a demonstration site of the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN), the Marine Park is a model of its kind in the Caribbean, protecting and caring for the marine environment while maximizing safe levels for recreation and commercial use.
The Marine Park maintains more than 100 public moorings, conducts scientific research, provides information to users, monitors human and natural impacts, and enforces the parks' laws and regulations.
Did you know that your sunscreen can damage corals? Many types of sunscreen contain ingredients such as Oxybenzone, which damage the coral in a very bad way. Recently, biologists discovered that Oxybenzone contributes to bleaching, has a detrimental effect on DNA and interferes with reproduction and growth.
What can we and you do to keep Bonaire's Marine park good and clean?
Wear protective clothes while snorkeling, diving, kite surfing, windsurfing and swimming.
Use sunscreen with a combination of zinc and titanium.
Apply at least 30 minutes before entering the water.
Use lotions, not sprays.
Avoid a sunscreen protection factor over 50
Always make sure that you have bought the STINAPA Marine tag. This is mandatory when you go into the water!
You can purchase this tag from the link below.
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